So much beauty in surrendering to the natural process of birth. Watch this joyous birth unfold as Lainy, mama of 3 beautiful girls welcomes in her first baby boy.

After 3 Induced hospital births, Halleigh had to lean in and trust her body to bring her sweet baby into the world. Halleigh’s birth was transformative and healing for both her and her family.

Redemption, we were all speechless as this new life entered the room. Holding our breath as we were all brought back to the memory of Sami’s previous birth. Into the silenced a sweet cry filled the room and you could feel the shift of peace and joy. Sami reclaimed her power and her birth space. 

This beautiful mama had her first baby at home with her husband, doula, and midwifery team by her side. Watch to find out the gender with them as their precious new baby comes into the world.